Our philosophy
Our goal is to understand the needs and goals of our participants and aknowledge each persons situation with its specific barriers and possibilities. We want to help you get fitter and stronger and happier with our training and we will focus on each individually while doing so.
We, Tobias and Alexander, have been enthusiastic athletes since childhood and have professionalised our practical experience through our studies (Master's in Sports Science at KIT) and numerous further and advanced training courses. Based on our experience and the knowledge we have acquired , we endeavour to create an effective and evidence based approach and structured training for everyone.We now have over 12 years of experience as coaches in a wide variety of settings (companies, personal training, hospitals, rehab, etc.) and with different constellations (1:1, groups, teams, etc.).
Therefore you don't have to worry about your training structure or other things anymore you ca just start with us and we will guide you on your way!
My name is Alexander Beckmann. I've known Tobi since the sports entrance exam at the University of Heidelberg. We studied there together and after our studies and various professional stations, we had the idea of founding Neue Physio and to run the OutdoorAthleten company. So I am one of the two owners of OutdoorAthleten as well as a physiotherapist, osteopath and sports scientist. Besides that I am passionate about strength training, science and coffee. I want to offer diversivied, intense but needs-orientated training sessions. Are you in pain, want to lose weight or do something for your health, but you're not sure exactly how to do it? Together we will find a way for you to take part in our group training and achieve your goals with fun and vigour and feel good afterwards!
For more then 14 years I am training myself in different sports and different levels.I could intensive my own training as well as my understanding of it as well the other factors influencing it during my sports science studies. I have learned to understand how complex this field of training, nutrition, weight loss, motivation and lifestyle is and want to help you guide your journey without falling for misinformation or fake methods. It is my wish to help each indiviual person to reach their goals.
Weightlifting and martial arts help me to strengthen my confidence in myself and my body and to keep me fit.
(M.Sc. Sports Science, Sports Therapist, Master Fitness Trainer, Nutrition Diploma)
During the last years of working in this field we have learned a lot about what training methods and diets work or don’t work. We have seen many new ideas in the news and many of these things fail or make things worse because of fear mongering or scaring people with wrong info. During our own studies we have learned to differentiate between good methods and methods that just sound good but don’t get you the results that you want. Since there is so many information out there we are sure that a clear and scientifically supported approach is extremely important to us, both in training and nutrition as well as in recovery.
You won't find us perscribing a 6-week crash diet from the TV news, copying Arnold Schwarzenegger's training plan, or trying the miraculous weight loss shake from Instagram ads with you. We place a lot of value on individualized planning and a meaningful long-term structure and development towards your goals.
The most important things for us are…
… the fact that every training is manageable for everyone and is adjusted to the individual needs
… to keep your motivation high
… to offer clear and precise structure and programm
… to find a match that suits you
… to find a goal oriented approach to their needs for everyone without unscientific promises and approaches

In all these recent years, we have also learned a lot about what doesn't work or what can only be marketed well, but is often just a short-lived hype or can even lead to health problems. We ourselves may have made some mistakes in our past, but we have learned anew and continuously developed and educated ourselves over time. Since new information bombards us all every day, a clear and scientifically supported approach is extremely important to us, both in training and nutrition as well as in recovery..
You won't find us perscribing a 4-week crash diet from the TV news, copying Arnold Schwarzenegger's training plan, or trying the miraculous weight loss shake from Instagram ads. We place value on individualized planning and a meaningful long-term structure and development.
So let's get going, start training with us,
and we will help you on YOUR way to YOUR goals.
Or send us your questions
or your request via the contact page or via WhatsApp.
Hallo, mein Name ist Vincent und ich bin Kraft- und Athletiktrainer bei OutdoorAthleten. Meine Begeisterung für Kraft und Athletiktraining begann bereits in jungen Jahren. Seit meiner Kindheit spiele ich Rugby und wollte mich zusätzlich durch Krafttraining verbessern. Schnell wuchs meine Begeisterung und ich versuchte Herauszufinden, wie ich durch Anpassungen von Training und Ernährung meine körperliche und geistige Leistungsfähigkeit optimieren kann. Über mein Sportstudium, eigene Recherchen und diverse Fortbildungen habe ich mir einiges Wissen zum Thema Training und Ernährung angeeignet. Mit diesem Wissen möchte ich nun anderen Helfen ihr volles Potential auszuschöpfen und ihre Ziele zu erreichen. In meinen Kursen lege ich besonderen Wert auf Übungen zur Kraftsteigerung und auf die Elimination der häufigsten Schwachstellen um Verletzungen vorzubeugen.
Hi, mein Name ist Justin. Ich bin 23 Jahre alt und komme aus Hannover. Ich bin 2019 nach Heidelberg gekommen, um meine Ausbildung zum Sport und-Fitnesskaufmann am Olympia Stützpunkt Rhein Neckar zu absolvieren. Hier habe ich ebenfalls als Kader Athlet der deutschen Rugby 7er und 15er Nationalmannschaft trainiert. Am OSP habe ich unter anderem die 7er Frauen und Jugend Nationalmannschafen im Athletik Bereich unterstützt. Ich spiele derzeit beim TSV Handschuhsheim in der 1.Bundesliga und arbeite in der Physiotherapie Praxis „Neue Physio“ in Neuenheim. Seit März 2023 bin ich ebenfalls Trainer bei den Outdoor Athleten. In meinem Training lege ich besonderen Wert auf Athletik und Funktionalität um euch den Alltag zu erleichtern. Egal ob ihr schneller Laufen, höher Springen oder schwerer Heben wollt, gemeinsam geben wir alles, um das Beste aus euch raus zu holen.